I read a great many blogs and other technobabble online these days. I have found that most seem preoccupied with politics (or the lack thereof) involved in the running of everything from the world court all the way down to what shoes I should wear. Then I tripped over to The Savage Pea.
The Photo is that of my first and, at least for now, only niece. I have come to love her as much as any member of my immediate family outside of my beautiful wife. What make Sophie (my niece, not my wife) even more special has to do with the way she entered into our family: she is adopted. My sister is unable to have children of her own; G-d had his reasons for that, which of late have become very clear. My sister and brother-in-law have become very caring and thoughtful providers for this little girl, and hope to adopt another. (I hope they are able to adopt, oh, what, 3-4?)
I have spent many hours in debate over the merits of adoption versus abortion. Personally, it would be inconceivable to me to suggest an abortion under most any circumstance, but, being male, such a statement is easy to make. I thank G-d that I have not had to make such a call, and I respect those who have chosen to allow a child to be born and adopted by those such as my sister.
I was thinking about this as I read the most recent post on the Savage Pea.
I have wondered at other times about the nature of society's support of killing. There were times, in my life as an investigator for law enforcement, when the specter of my taking another's life seemed upon me. Thankfully, it is a choice I was never forced to make. But I wonder: Why is it justified to kill? Or When? How old/young does a person have to be to defend themselves with deadly force?
As a minister in G-d's service, another question has been brought to me: Is it ever OK to kill, for ANY reason? (I am talking about human life here. I will still eat a beef burrito at Taco Bell) Let us pray.
Lord, these are perilous time, and we need your guidance. Please allow those needy women who find themselves with child to find there way to those who would help them place their baby with a deserving family, a family who will love the child as there own. Help us, as a society and as the family in Jesus, you son, to end the destruction of our most precious resource: Our Children.
In your Holy Name,