My sister and I share a mutual interest besides a strong belief in G-d: We are both Trekkies. Recently, my sister thought it a wonderful idea to post on her blog, http://thesavagepea.blogspot.com/
a little sample of what I thought was a private bit of email. Just so that everybody who may have missed it, here is what was said:
"I invited my brother to a BBQ for father's day. I had asked if he would bring buns and drinks? This is how he responded...:
'This is acceptable. We will comply. Split loaves for burnt ground animal flesh will be provided. Effervescent liquid regeneratives will be provided.We are the borg.'
"Then I asked if they prefer chicken or beef or both?
'We are the Borg. We have accessed our internal data banks and collective memory and can find no reference to chicken as referred to being the previously articulated 'ground animal flesh'. Further research has revealed that a human assimilated on earth date 2003, now part of unimatrix 007, sub-section pair/triumvate Majlogon, designate 6th of 7, subdesignate Maynerd, refers to ground animal flesh as 'cow'. This designate has verbalized to the collective, however, that a combination of ground animal flesh/cow and skinned/deboned animal flesh/chicken is acceptable. We concur. We will adapt to assimilate both.
Resistance is futile.
message/futile_borg=true then borg_response(resistance is futile)=1Majlogon of Borg'"

Now, in the interest of family harmony, it has befallen me to respond in kind. Not only does my sister have a star trek alter ego complete, I might add, with Star Trek uniform, but has also created one for her 18-month old daughter.
Proof, you say? See below!

My niece!
Beam Me Up, Scotty!