Sunday, July 17, 2005


I was recently reminded that to be brutally honest, one must also be so with oneself.


Here I've been, merrily writing down all of these subtle little musings and I haven't so much as scribbled anything about myself other than my initials.

SO..... Enter the profile. I hope that perhaps it will shed a little light on who I am.

God Bless!

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Strange things are afoot...

Have you ever considered the music that is played, say, in your workspace?

Just the other day I was privileged to listen to what is considered "acceptable" music by some of my younger co-workers. This "music" was, shall we say, on the cruder side of explicit.

After listening to perhaps two or so tracks of the CD of the day, I felt compelled to put an end to the concert by shutting down the stereo and asking if the owner of the CD to put it away.

Now, I am not a Censorship Nazi; however, any "song" that ends with the shouting of the f-word followed by comments denoting canine lineage, (among other things), is not what most would think was acceptable in a public place of business.

It seems I wasn't alone in this opinion.

Since then, the choices for the music have been far more palatable. But I found myself wondering how many Christian folks go to work every day and subject themselves to this type of abuse and never even think about it? I have allowed many auditory insults to pass right by me without so much as a raised eyebrow and then at the next turn go medieval on someone for tossing a cigarette butt out their car window.

Time for a change.

Today, while near the radio I noticed no one was paying it much attention. So, I decided to put the local Christian music station on. Much to my surprise, a fair amount of the employees began singing along to the music. They knew the words! I was joyfully surprised!

When the day drew to a close, one of the other techs came over to me and said, "Your music was a nice change."

After staring at him for who knows how long, I scraped my lower jaw off the floor and smiled all the way out the door.

G-d is Good.

It wasn't that these were bad kids. It was that "popular" culture would have them follow certain trends or be "left out". Sometimes we all need a reminder that G-d gave us music, and it is though music that we can come together, even in a place as diverse as our place of employment, to worship Him. The Bible tells us at many turns to bring psalms to the ear of our G-d. The feeling of lightness and smiles on faces around you are testament to this.

Praise his Holy Name!