Friday, January 06, 2006

Army of Light

Explosions rock this world... or is it the world to come?

What are these things that flow through my mind's eye?

Is it a vision from G-d? Or perhaps a bit of under digested potato soup?

G-d, I think.

I say this because when these images come, they are in IMAX format with Dolby 6.1 surround sound. I don't think potato soup has this kind of bandwidth. But I digress.

So here I am, with the sound of a huge army all around me, a couple of swords (that, when I picked them up, were wood, but now seem to be rather sharp steel) in my hands, ready to go into battle. Up ahead, the Mediterranean Sea looms to the north with what appears to be another army coming at us up from the lands to the east and west. This army is composed of beings covered by shadow.

OK. This is ominous.

I seem to recall that, when last I looked into a mirror, I was 42, had a bad hip, and suffering from the midlife spread around my middle.

Not the stuff of legendary heroes.

But I am not afraid, for as I look at myself in this context, I see myself in an Akido hakima with a fit body. I also find that I am secure in the knowledge of how to fight, and, more importantly, that G-d is my strength!

This was to be the final battle between good and evil, and I was being shown, in a manner my puny human mind could understand, that even one such as I could fight with absolute assurance of victory.

It is at this point that I look back over my shoulder to see where we had come from. Two things were immediately obvious: First, we were coming out of Africa; and Second, the Commander of these forces, G-d as Christ, was holding the likeness of my wife (representing the Church) in his left arm while holding a HUGE fiery sword in the other.


I'm not from Africa. Last time I checked, my country of origin was the good ol' US of A. And I don't think my wife can represent the whole Church.

But, I somehow find myself reassured that G-d is in control!

There is a pattern beginning to emerge here.

God Bless!

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