Anybody else hear distant thunder?
This thought hit like a ton of bricks. Here we were, trying to act as leaders in our spiritual walk, instructing those who seek us out in the ways and means of G-d's word, and having missed what is quite possibly
the whole point of this exercise. We should be, first and foremost, trying to instill in fellow believers a strong need to practice and preserve the desire for G-d's deliverence through Jesus Christ. We have become so inured to the plodding along of mainstream Christianity that many have lost track of why they came to "the church" in the first place. They are much more interested in the latest news that the social group they meet with in Sunday school has to offer than they are in the actual bit of verse that might be covered.

So what? Ponder the picture above. That aircraft was built back in the '50's and was retired in the late '80's. Most like it are now in museums, silent, cold, collecting dust behind the rope barrier. This particular aircraft, however, has been preserved in operational condition and is flown regularly so that today's young people can appreciate this magnificent machine. All who see this craft are moved by the raw, viscerial power and incredible speeds that it can demonstrate. This is something that the museum can never convey.
Unfortunately, "museum" is what many "churches" have become.
Like a museum, many "churches" have exhibits that are untouched and silent behind some sort of railing or rope, with alters that, while a vision of gold, silver, and snowy linen, are distant, denied areas to those of the general population. Those who are allowed "up there" many times are seen as "above" those of lesser knowledge and practice of the ways of "the church", and are seen almost as untouchable as the altar they serve. This is, of itself, not necessarily a bad thing; but unless the congregation is shown how G-d's dynamic power and will is represented and practiced, and how these representations and practices can be applied and internalized by G-d's children, then "the church" might as well BE a museum and charge admission at the door.

G-d's Church is not about brick and mortar, or golden cups and colorful banners. The Church, as G-d laid it down, is about His People and their relationship with Him! God gave us the means by which we should seek Him, in the form of His Word. Any who would seek Him have to only ask this Word, in the form of His Blessed Son Jesus Christ, into their lives. If this is sincerely done, a child of G-d is born again, and becomes another living, breathing part of His Church. It is then that those in the Church, and I refer to those already in the body, must share the drive to grow into adult believers, to learn what the artifacts and tools up on that altar represent and are used for, and to instill the yearning and drive to hear G-d's word. That word which has been given to us through prophets and teachers of the past (the Bible, etc.) must be presented not as a history exhibit but as a dynamic, living power to be shared and experienced by all of His Church.
Besides, seeing the Church really fly is a whole lot more fun than any museum!
God Bless!
So, how did you get more than one picture in your article?
I was afraid the pictures would be more fun than the article...
As you are writing, you will notice a little "picture" at the top right of the editor window. If you click it, pictures will come!
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