I live with a most beautiful woman who is also an ordained charismatic minister who has charged me with a most daunting mission: to help her understand what G-d has in store for her in the future.
Somehow, I don't think Starfleet could have come up with a more difficult mission even though that there were a few times that Captains Kirk and Picard were sent to the past to fix the future (I know. I'm a freak for knowing this stuff...) Unfortunately, I don't have a huge starship capable of inverse tachyon field generation or slingshotting at transreletivistic speeds around a star, which, we all know, is required to move back or forward in time (I am SUCH a freak).
So, how does one advise a person on such matters?
OK, so outside of forced injection of Star Trek upon the woman that I love, I must look for another answer. But where?
Some time ago, I had several friends and family tell me that I would be here in Texas until at least 2007. They also told me that I would marry (I have), buy a house (I did) suitable for residence for not only my self and my wife, but also for my parents (they have since moved in). My profession would change (pending) and I would eventually have financial solvency (still waiting on that one). Now, having stated this and seeing four out of the five predictions coming to fruition, I am forced to conclude that G-d put these things before me. Oh, the other thing is, most of the people who repeated these things to me didn't know each other or, if they did, it was only through me, and only after they had made the predictions.
Just as an aside, this was how G-d let me know I was going to Texas in the first place.
So, Now I am at another crossroads. 2007 is rapidly approaching, and I still as yet do not know what the next step will be beyond that.
G-d, I need a word or two from you. Or maybe, the whole book.
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