Went to the Lord the other day asking for guidance during this time of crisis with my hip. As of July 24th, 2006, I have been declared permanently disabled.
My wife and I have heard several prophetic words regarding our future; specifically, that we would be starting "the next big thing" sometime near the end of 2007. We find ourselves wondering what that may be, given that 2006 is rapidly winding away. In addition, G-d provided me a "five year plan" that, incedently, would also come to fruition sometime toward the end of 2007.
The Thunder Rolls.
This proximity to the inevitable has me looking at the details of my life as it is at this point in time. For example, just exactly how much is this "disability" going to impact my life? Will this impact be debilitating, or is it the harbinger of great things to come? Will it cause me to slip into the pit of depression and dispair (yeah right) or simply open the door to bigger and better things?
Hollywood would insert some sort of ominous music here.
Ok, so these things aren't exactly "details", but they are the things that are occupying my thoughts. So, since my puny non-borg brain can't exactly get around these concepts by itself, and Majlogon isn't stepping in to take control, I went to G-d.
Actually, I went to G-d first.
It seems, however improbable, that this disability process has a very bright silver lining: Retraining Program. The state of Texas has a miriad of programs designed to help those invalidated out of their original field of study/vocation to re-enter the working arena. It seems that this is further facilitated by any upper level education a person might have. For example, take my case. I was fortunate enough to have had opportunity to study advanced mathematics and physics while in college in California. This study was part of an abortive attempt at an engineering degree cut short by budget considerations of the institution I was attending at the time (they eliminated the major as a course of study. Bummer, dude!) While this was something of a major setback at the time, these same courses will facilitate my admission into a retraining program that will allow me to pursue a broader range of career choices.
So, quite suddenly, things are looking up. I am still in possession of all my skills from my years as a mechanic and will be able to use these to learn and create a new reality for myself and my family. G-d has made it clear that He is in control and will not let me fall. Part of the prophesy I related earlier was that my wife and I were to be united with several of our friends in ministry together. I had always wondered how this was to be orchestrated, especially with me working as an auto technician. Not a lot of call for alternator replacement or bottem end overhaul in a church body. But, with the retraining possiblilty before me, that will all change. Not even the borg could do that!
Praise G-d!
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
This Borg Thing...

Ok, so I have created a monster. His name is Majlogon of Borg, and I can officially say he has his own life. This has been verified by the fact that Majlogon, aka Maj. Jonathan Logon (his name before assimilation) receives credit card offers, house refinancing deals, and somehow managed to buy music from Real Player. Really.
But, as it happens, Majlogon isn't your typical Borg Drone. Nope. He's the guy that assigns Borg designations. And, strangely enough, he is sought out by others so that he can assimilate them.
Ok, So Majlogon has become a rock star.
As I recall, the Borg are the ultimate bad guys of the Star Trek universe, existing to persue perfection by assimilating anyone and everyone in their path. When, exactly, did it become cool to be Borg?
At any raatttteeeiwjkdj89*&)*((5609..................
if (resistance=1) then assimilation(designation$.input)=1st3alpha$+last4alphastring
we now return you to your regularly scheduled blog.
Sorry. Had to assimilate somebody.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
The Man Comes Around

I found myself up late this night reading the various blogs I keep up with, some of which are actually new on my list. I happened to go to the wish list contained on my sister's blog and encountered something I hadn't anticipated; Johnny Cash, specifically, American Recordings V.
I have been a fan of the Man in Black for as long as I can remember. His music somehow always managed to touch that dark, locked off side of me that all the outside, presentable stuff most everybody else sees is there to protect. It is the bit of me that won't give; that, if pushed, will push back. Few people have ever seen this side of me, because I don't let it out much. It is the bit that comes out when I must protect someone I love without reservation. It is that which allows me to cry without fear of losing face at the injustice in this world. It's the bit that will hold your stare.
It is the bit that G-d gave me so that I could sing to Him.
My wife has a similar bit. You can hear it when she sings, too.
God bless you, John.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Twists and Turns

I have come to a crossroads, of a sort.
Sometime in the next couple of weeks, two things will happen: First, I will be starting back to work; and second, I will undergo an FCE, a type of examination used to establish my physical limitations since my accident.
Now, mind you, I am not at all opposed to returning to work. It is the nature of what I am actually capable of doing that occupies me these days. Since the accident, I find that I am no longer able to perform any physical task that requires me to stand and/or walk for more than an hour or so without moderate to severe pain. Indeed, just the task of going to the grocery store has become a daugnting task, one that requires me to resign myself to the "courtesy motorized cart" in order to aquire anything heavier that a loaf of bread. While I am grateful that most stores provide these conveyances, it is something of an attitude adjustment for a guy whose preferred method of transportation is a large black motorcycle, complete with all the requisite leather clothing, shaved head, and rather unkept beard. Picture your typical Harley rider in a motorized mobility scooter and you get the idea.
But now there is a new twist: It appears that this "condition" I find myself in may be permanent, which brings me to the FCE. The initial examination will provide a base line by which any subsequent improvement, or lack thereof, in my condition will be measured.
Minor details.
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