I found myself up late this night reading the various blogs I keep up with, some of which are actually new on my list. I happened to go to the wish list contained on my sister's blog and encountered something I hadn't anticipated; Johnny Cash, specifically, American Recordings V.
I have been a fan of the Man in Black for as long as I can remember. His music somehow always managed to touch that dark, locked off side of me that all the outside, presentable stuff most everybody else sees is there to protect. It is the bit of me that won't give; that, if pushed, will push back. Few people have ever seen this side of me, because I don't let it out much. It is the bit that comes out when I must protect someone I love without reservation. It is that which allows me to cry without fear of losing face at the injustice in this world. It's the bit that will hold your stare.
It is the bit that G-d gave me so that I could sing to Him.
My wife has a similar bit. You can hear it when she sings, too.
God bless you, John.
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