Saturday, August 06, 2005


As you may have noticed, I have changed my blog identity signature to Majlogon. This is a character I made up several years ago when I procured my first Star Trek computer game.

In addition to my music and office ministries, I am a devoted Star Trek nut. Now, just to reassure you, I don't own any "Spock Ears" or Klingon blood wine or formulate my own Romulan Ale. I just have something of a small collection of movies and micromachine starships and several novels I drag around with me when I move fron state to state. I find that most of the stories contained in the Star Trek world reflect a Hope for the future.

Besides, Its fun to arm phasers and torpedoes at traffic every now and then.


Brenda and Sophie said...


Where's your uniform?

majlogon said...

Uniforms are irrelavent.
personal expression is irrelavent.
resistance is futile
we are borg

LozRants said...

B calls you a geek?! I have a photo of her in uniform - actually I have a few photos! She even has a uniform for her daughter. Cute one, too. I enjoyed reading your blog. Have a great day.