Friday, December 30, 2005


Ever had one of those "Alleluia!" moments?

Yesterday, I did. I hadn't had one in a while (read: "once, maybe.") but this one was a full blown, mind altering, "Divine Pine to the Mind" kinda moment.

At Cracker Barrel. Really.

A friend of mine, Faustina, works there as a hostess. My wife and I first encountered her about two years ago. She is from Africa, Ghana to be precise, and is here on a school visa. She has recently finished her degree in Divinity, and is preparing to take her newfound training back to Africa.

This is not the moment.

As it happens, G-d has given me a certain insight that allows me to share His words with others. In this case, I was given quite a few words and a vision to share with our friend regarding her soon-to-be-realized ministry. However, this "insight" has only been given to me fairly recently, and therefore I do not have much of a "track record" regarding the accuracy of these "words". But I believe that this picture I laid before her was from
G-d and was therefore led by this faith to reveal what I had seen and heard.

This, also, is not the moment.

As it happens frequently when G-d uses a human to do His work, He also has a way of making everything line up so that the appropriate (for Him)meetings take place at the appropriate (again, for Him) work can take place. So, having said that, it is appropriate to give Him credit for what seemed a coincidence at the time.

Nope. Not the moment.

It was Christmas Eve. My wife and I were hungry and in the vicinity of Cracker Barrel, and so decided to stop in. It was Faustina's regular day off, but there were others there who, due to our frequency of visits, also had become friends. (Mind you, it hadn't actually occured to us that perhaps the restaurant might be closing early or anything like that.) But in we went.

The moment is getting closer...

We hadn't expected to see Faustina, but as G-d would have it, there she was. As usual, she greeted us with the warm embrace of a close family member. But there was a sparkle in her eye and an excitement in her voice that was above even her usual upbeat manner. She would not say what was causing this joy, except that she wanted to talk to us after we ate.

The moment is really close... Really.

When we had finished and stepped back into the entry area, it was then that Faustina took us in hand (and crutches - I am still dealing with my hip injury) and led us outside. Now, she has made a point of praying for G-d's guidance dury my ordeal, and so I was thinking this was more of the same. Wrong answer. When we were seated outside, She turned to my wife and I and asked what the word was that I had for her.

Moment is at hand.

When I had picked my jaw from off the sidewalk and got it back to working in its more normal position I then asked her how she knew I had a word for her. You would think it would have occured to me that my reaction to her question should have been answer enough, but, being a guy, I tend toward the typical male wooden head syndrome and asked anyway. She merely giggled and replied that my wife and I had been on her heart all day and that we had important information for her. I then proceeded to give her the words and vision that G-d had laid on me for her.

Now for the moment. (thunder rolls...)

Last night, another friend of ours, Pam, who shares the same Gift of Insight that G-d has given to me, came into town and announced that she wanted to eat at Cracker Barrel. I knew that Faustina would be working, and looked forward to speaking to her and hearing her speak about what was happening in her life. As usual, she was her sheerful self, and once again refused to speak to us until after dinner. So it came to pass in the fullness of time and belly that we once again found ourselves outside with Faustina. Only it was Pam, not I, that had the word and vision for her.

The moment?

The word and vision were the same as G-d had given me. In one brief, glorious moment, G-d had confirmed Faustina's forthcoming ministry and His Word to me that I might dare to believe what others, including Pam, had said my ministry would be.


May God bless you and keep you!

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