Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Twists and Turns

I have come to a crossroads, of a sort.

Sometime in the next couple of weeks, two things will happen: First, I will be starting back to work; and second, I will undergo an FCE, a type of examination used to establish my physical limitations since my accident.

Now, mind you, I am not at all opposed to returning to work. It is the nature of what I am actually capable of doing that occupies me these days. Since the accident, I find that I am no longer able to perform any physical task that requires me to stand and/or walk for more than an hour or so without moderate to severe pain. Indeed, just the task of going to the grocery store has become a daugnting task, one that requires me to resign myself to the "courtesy motorized cart" in order to aquire anything heavier that a loaf of bread. While I am grateful that most stores provide these conveyances, it is something of an attitude adjustment for a guy whose preferred method of transportation is a large black motorcycle, complete with all the requisite leather clothing, shaved head, and rather unkept beard. Picture your typical Harley rider in a motorized mobility scooter and you get the idea.

But now there is a new twist: It appears that this "condition" I find myself in may be permanent, which brings me to the FCE. The initial examination will provide a base line by which any subsequent improvement, or lack thereof, in my condition will be measured.

Minor details.


Brenda and Sophie said...

One thing I know for sure - God will provide. I know he has a plan for your future and it will get better and better.


Andi, Amand, Renee' said...

Have you had the FCE yet? What did they say?

-2nd of 3

majlogon said...

Had the FCE.
They found that I am hurt.
They have decided that I have reached MMI --
Maximum Medical Improvement.

Therefore, I have been designated as permanently disabled from working as a master auto tech.

I am now in the hands of the State of Texas.

I believe their motto is
"resistance is futile"